Our story: A humble beginning.

How SnowApple was formed?

‘’Snow Apple’’ endeavors to bring nature closer to people living in metros.

Born and brought up in Kullu-Manali which is known as the land of god, snow and apples, Our founder always had a fantasy for apples. Plucking apples/walnuts direct from trees and eating them was something that he had grown up with.

When he grew up and moved to city to study and work, he came across apples being sold there. One fine day he just bought one apple from the vendor and as he took the first bite, he was really disappointed with the quality being sold there. For a person who had always eaten fresh apples from farms, the disappointment was so high that he stopped eating apples completely in metros. 

However, whenever he used to come across the apples on streets/shops, he used to dream about getting that farm plucked apples experience here. But for a middle class man, leaving job and manage apples was not something that he could come up with. So years passed by but the dream was still alive. Finally in 2020 when this corona pandemic happened, our owner was taken back to his roots wherein he had to stay back in hills for few months. That is when he got the opportunity of bringing the nature close to people living in metros and that is when ‘’Snow Apple’’ was formed.

With the aim of bringing the farm fresh feeling to the clients and also to promote the local farmers, our founder started approaching the local vendors to support them and also bringing them in limelight in metros. The farmers were so excited that with every apple they plucked to pack, they had a different feeling as this time the apples were not going to mandis (wholesale markets) but direct to homes.

Finally ‘’Snow Apple’’ started shipping farm plucked apples direct to the customers in Delhi/NCR. Who had thought that in a day, ‘’Snow Apple’’ will receive such an overwhelming response that from Delhi/NCR it will expand its wings in Rajasthan, Punjab, Chandigarh and rest of India.

Born in the Himalayas at Kullu- Manali, This apple has direct connection with snow. More it snows in winter season, better the apple grown in summers.

‘’Snow Apple’’ is a brand that has originated in Naggar (Kullu-Manali). We deal in apples, walnuts, apricots, kiwi, pomegranate and cherry. Most products that we sell are directly plucked from farms, packed, shipped and delivered to customer directly. So freshness is guaranteed in whatever we deliver.